




Μια Ματιά

Επισκευή- Συντήρηση αεροσκαφών

AirFlyTech Main Activities

AirFlyTech is an approved EASA Part-145 organization, with license number EL.145.0080. As
an organization providing technical support for different types of aircraft, AirFlyTech is able to
carry out maintenance work for approved air operators.
Our engineering expertise and experience enable us to perform maintenance services at the
highest quality fully customized to fit the specific needs of our clients.
AirFlyTech is an approved Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization (CAMO) ,
with licence number EL.MG.0069 and is able to offer a full range of CAMO services for different
aircraft types. Continuous airworthiness management of aircrafts is carried out in accordance
with the regulations of the European Aviation Safety Agency (E.A.S.A.), International Standards
of Continuing Airworthiness and the HCAA.
Our experienced CAMO personnel provides airlines with a wide range of engineering services
including performance of aircraft Airworthiness Reviews, renewal of certificates and
recommendation reports to relevant local Aviation Authorities, follow-up of reliability programs,
creation and up

Α ) Η επισκευή και συντήρηση αεροσκαφών παντός τύπου και γενικά η τεχνική
υποστήριξη αυτών καθώς και κάθε µορφής υλικοτεχνικών µέσων συνδεομένων των
αεροσκαφών .
Β) Η αγορά, πώληση , ενοικίαση , ναύλωση αεροσκαφών παντός τύπου και
ανταλλακτικών αυτών.


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